The Pajama Diaries
The Pajama Diaries is a syndicated comic strip created in 2006 by Terri Libenson, an artist who has also done work for American Greetings. It is narrated by Jill Kaplan, a wife of a loving husband and working mom of two young girls in a Jewish family somewhere in Ohio. The Pajama Diaries is carried by King Features Syndicate.
Main Characters
- Jill Kaplan: The mother of two girls and wife of Rob Kaplan. She works at home as a web designer, and often has to balance her job out with her home life.
- Rob Kaplan: The father of Amy and Jess. He works outside of home, but is very devoted to his family. In Spring 2009, Rob was laid off from his I.T. company, leading him to not only search for a new job, but contemplate the consequences for his family, even possibly moving out of town, if need be.
- Amy Kaplan: The oldest daughter of Rob and Jill. She is currently in sixth grade and facing adolescence, and is set on being athletic, independent, and outdoing Jess. Amy acts as Jess' substitute parent when their Mom and Dad are debating over whose turn it is to take care of them.
- Jess Kaplan: A playful, gifted fourth grader. She enjoys playing with dolls, watching TV, and listening to Hannah Montana. Jess acts as Amy's substitute parent when their parents are debating over whose turn it is to take care of them.
Other Characters
- Lisa: Jill's best friend and mother of three children. She has a struggling marriage and recently separated from her husband. Currently, Lisa is going back to school for a teaching degree.
- Nanci: Jill's other friend who is an assertive and ambitious single mom of twins. She is newly engaged to David, the father of a former beau.
- Grandma Sophie: Rob's old-fashioned grandmother who enjoys - or rather antagonizes - in reminding Jill about the virtues of being the ideal homemaker.
- "Perfectville": The "perfect" next door neighbors, especially referring to the overachieving, African-American mother. Amy and Jess often go over there during the summer when their babysitter is not available.
External links
Heaton, Michael (2009-03-23). "Ten Minutes with 'Pajama Diaries' cartoonist Terri Libenson". The Plain Dealer. Retrieved 2009-03-27.